Getting Started with DigitalOcean

Updated: 2019-02-10

Laravel and DigitalOcean

Create DigitalOcean Account

First we are gonna create a DigitalOcean Account. This is where we host our server. If you already have an account, still click our link and get a FREE $100 Credit. If you don't have an account, click the link and get a FREE $100 credit.

Create A New Project

How to create a new project?

Login to your DigitalOcean Account, click New Project

Create A Project

Create A Droplet

How to create a droplet?

Click Get Started with a Droplet or under create click Droplets

Create A Project
Choose your operating system

For this project we are gonna use Ubuntu 18.04.1 x64.

Choose A Size

We will choose the $5/mo option.

Create A Project
Choose a datacenter region

I'll choose New York.

Select additional options

Turn on IPv6.

Choose a hostname

I'll name mine term-tools-droplet.

Create A Project